7 Best Indoor Succulents To Grow At Home

7 Best Indoor Succulents To Grow At Home

succulent plant

Succulents are now seen in everything from boutonnieres to hanging planters. They are a trend that is taking over not just gardens, but the wedding and home decor as well. Succulents are a type of plant that thrives in dry climates. Most succulents come from areas in Africa or Central America where it is hot and there is little humidity. Because they store water in their leaves, they can withstand long hours in the sun and little watering.

Succulents are known for their low maintenance and long lifespans, which makes them great for people who work all day, are on the go, or just aren’t great at taking care of plants. These plants are great for adding structure and vibrance to gardens and homes. There are many types of succulents that can be used as corner plants in a home office or pops of color in a lush garden.

However, even though these drought-resistant plants are simple to maintain, they still have preferences when it comes to location. To help you better understand the different types of succulents and where they grow best, we have composed a list of the 7 most popular types. 


Various benefits of growing succulents in your garden

succulent plant

▪ They can thrive in extreme climatic conditions and does not require much water.
▪ Maintenance is also not needed at regular intervals if the sun rays are good.
▪ It comes in various sizes, shapes, and colors and you can choose easily from all the options.
▪ Both indoor and outdoor varieties are available.

Best succulents to grow

 Panda Plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa) 

panda plant

the silver gray hair of this plant makes it look fuzzy, the leaves are fat like other succulents and have rusty color on edges, like many other plants of kalanchoe genus the plant forms flowers too. However, they rarely bloom in indoor conditions.

Burro’s Tail (sedum morganianum)

Burro’s Tail (sedum morganianum)

Also known as the donkey tail plant, this succulent is one of the easiest plants to propagate and care for, which makes it a popular houseplant. The burro’s tail was given its name because of its ability to grow up to four inches long with a shape that resembles a tail. This species happens to be a cactus and although all cacti are succulents, not all succulents are cacti. This succulent grows best indoors, placed in a well-drained container, where its long stems can drape down off of the edges of the pot.

Jade Plant (crassula ovata)

Jade Plant (crassula ovata)

The jade plant is similar to a bonsai plant in the way that it grows and is maintained. It has a thick trunk with branches that jut out like a miniature tree. This succulent has thick, shiny, dark green leaves that grow into an oval shape. Some varieties of the jade plant develop a red color at the tip of the leaf. Once the plant matures and if the conditions are right, the jade plant can develop beautiful white or pink flowers that bloom in the shape of a star.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is one of the best flowering houseplants you can grow. Plants of this genus grow best outdoors in warm climates. However, it can be grown indoors. This flowering succulent comes in a variety of colors.

Aloe Vera (aloe vera)

aloe vera

Aloe vera is a variety of houseplant that is most known for its medical benefits. It has been grown in tropical climates for many years and cultivated for its medicinal purposes. You can use the healthy compounds of the aloe vera plant to ease scrapes and burns, so it is a great plant to have around the house. This succulent can be found in ointments for burns, skin lotion, drinks, and cosmetics. It can also be used for decorative purposes as an indoor plant. This plant has thick, pointed leaves that are usually a green-gray color. The leaves are variegated with spots of white that stretch out directly from the plant’s base.

Pencil Cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli)

Pencil Cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli)

Pencil cactus became one of the most popular succulent houseplants in the last few years and why not this unique African plant can grow up to 6 feet tall indoors and looks so different, quite a few houseplants like fiddle leaf fig can achieve such height.

Zebra Plant (haworthia fasciata)

Zebra Plant (haworthia fasciata)

The zebra plant can grow between five and six inches tall and wide. It does not take up a lot of room and does not require much care, so it works well as a houseplant. The zebra plant gets its name from the white variegated stripes on its leaves. These striking leaves point out from its stem in different directions. This plant has shallow roots and is best grown in smaller pots. The zebra plant produces bright yellow, cone-shaped flower heads that last about a week. They are dainty, slow-growing and have an eccentric appearance. They make great gifts and decor for a shelf or desk.



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